奇亞籽蘇打餅-黑芝麻 Chia Seed Soda Cake-Black Sesame

奇亞籽蘇打餅-黑芝麻 Chia Seed Soda Cake-Black Sesame

商品條碼: 4713435206935
商品規格: 250g / 包 
商品尺寸: 長24.5cm / 寬15 cm / 高10cm
保存期限: 12個月
保存方式: 常溫
產地: 台灣

成份: 小麥麵粉、棕櫚油、黑芝麻、奇亞籽(鼠尾草籽)、岩鹽、酵母粉、碳酸氫鈉(小蘇打)。

Product barcode: 4713435206935
Product specifications: 250g / package
Product size: length 24.5cm / width 15 cm / height 10cm
Shelf life: 12 months
Storage method: room temperature
Place of Origin: Taiwan

Ingredients: wheat flour, palm oil, black sesame seeds, chia seeds (sage seeds), rock salt, yeast powder, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

◆ 選用來自澳洲的天然優質小麥,經自然發酵數小時後揉麵,再佐以無氫化物植物油進行烘烤,加入天然岩鹽及超級營養食物"奇亞籽",高鐵、高鈣、高膳食纖維,營養加倍,將原味蘇打餅健康自然的風味發揮到極致。

◆  採用黑芝麻粒添加於餅體上,天然穀物香氣,滿滿芝麻香,是您從未有過的健康點心新體驗。


◆ Select natural high-quality wheat from Australia, knead the dough after natural fermentation for several hours, and roast it with hydride-free vegetable oil, add natural rock salt and super nutritious food "chia seeds", high iron, high calcium, high dietary fiber , The nutrition is doubled, and the healthy and natural flavor of the original soda cake is brought to the extreme.

◆ Using black sesame seeds to add to the cake body, the natural grain aroma, full of sesame fragrance, is a new healthy snack experience you have never had before.